Thursday, June 28, 2012

Honestly! Why should I bother?

What a good question. It takes determination,time and courage to take responsibility for your own health. That said, how do you feel about having someone else tell you what job to work at, where to buy a house, whether you should marry this person or that person, what to wear every morning? Each and every one of these areas takes time and energy to decide just what we want to do. nor I would ever think of giving that responsibility away, nor allowing someone else to tell us what to do in any one of those areas. So why do we allow this to happen in such an important part of our lives as our health? The answer, as I see it is very short and simple. We have been conditioned to think that we should allow someone else to take up that responsibility. "They know more than I do." "It's just way too confusing for the lay person to understand. I need to leave that area of my life in the hands of the professionals." Am I saying we should not consult professionals? No! That is an emphatic NO! What I am saying is to trust yourself more. It's an attitude issue more than a knowledge issue. The attitude of, 'I know my body better than anyone else, after all I have lived with me 24 hours a day 7 days a week for my entire life. Who else has that kind of knowledge about me?' I am also not discounting information. It takes commitment to listen to and try to understand what your body is trying to say to you. The other thing is doing day to day, hour by hour those things that build health rather than those things that tear down your health. It is a lie that everything that is good for does not taste good! While fruits and veggies may be more expensive now, in the long run they are money well spent. Have you heard that the cost of health care is soaring? It is true. How permanent is a heart attack, stroke, poorly structured bones, gastric distress? Yes eating right can is the answer to every health issue. " But I can't do it alone" you say. "I don't have time to learn all that nutrition stuff!" My DR will never listen to my suggestions. I and my family can't and won't eat those healthy things. It takes too much time to cook from scratch." All those statements are true only based on your attitude. Just how important is you and your families health to you? Do you really care that you may be contributing to your child's poor mental and physical health? Do you care that you may be contributing to your own poor mental and physical health? Harsh words? Believe me, those words are soft compared to the harshness of the real life consequences of poor eating habits and bad food choices. I challenge you to sit yourself down and examine your attitude about your health, about food, and just how those two intertwine. We all want a pill to make it all better, when in truth, taking responsibility for our health is far easier than it looks. A change of attitude is where it starts. Changing one thing, one day/week at a time can make the changes easy on yourself and your family. Best of health to you till next time, Healthbug

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pain Neutralization Therapy Review!

Ok this will be a new one for me. I am wanting to get my opinion out there about an issue and could not find the how and where on the internet at large so am going to post this on my blog.

Since I am an avid researcher into anything that may be effective in addressing health issues, it is expected that I run into many, many new therapies. I do my best to evaluated these therapies and if possible, I try to find a way to learn them. Knowing I have limited time, financial resources and learning capacity, I have to evaluate just how effective a therapy might be. Is it good enough for my clients that I just know about the therapy? or is this a therapy that I could/should learn for the sake of treating my clients?

What are the reviews/critiques out there on the specific therapy? Is there any scientific research to back up the therapy and to add to the numerous personal testimonies? I've learned therapies that cost hundreds and some that were initially offered for free. All with great value, so the price of something does not necessarily determine how "worthy" any given therapy is.

Just recently I have been investigating Pain Neutralization Therapy. It sounds very interesting. They say it is based on the Gate Therapy of Pain. Developed by a Chiropractor by the name of Steve Kaufman. Kaufman's office is in Denver. I read through all the pages and pages of DR, ND, DC, PT, LMT testimonies and finally was convinced I wanted to order at least an intro to the therapy. This therapy by the way is suppose to be "very easy to learn" "so easy a 14 year old could easily learn it".

I found the offered DVD training and was quite confused by the offers. 16 DVD's comprises the basic learning set. Wow, that's a bunch of DVD's to teach a supposed easy to learn technique. It went on from there to list other offering of which it is not real clear as to just what you learn or get with each set of DVD's. I don't know, maybe you need to attend a seminar before you understand the specific terminology. However, since this is a website I would expect that all to be explained more clearly on that website.

Since I was soon to be going through Denver, I decided to call DR Kaufman's office and discuss just what was on his DVD's and why they were worth the $1295 price tag he had put on the set of 16 that comprised the introductory offer? AT the very least, I thought, I just might make an appointment to have him use this therapy on me as I have had some pain in my legs for over a year now and I thought it would be a great experience to receive some first hand experience with how the awesome this therapy worked first hand.

I called Kaufman's office, there was a message to leave your name and number and Kaufman would happily return your call. So I dutifully left a message. Shortly thereafter a male, not Kaufman, called me back. I ask my questions about the pricing since it was unclear to me from the website. He assured me that it was clear on the website. My bad. Sorry, I thought I was the one calling him to clarify. Anyway, we did not get past his "obviously, if the cost is too much for you then this isn't for you" and the finalee of "This must just not be the right time for you" with a click when he just hung up on me!

My first impression is that PNT is just a scam. It looks like they are only interested in selling the high priced DVD sets. They are certainly not interested in good customer service. OK, I can't honestly say that I know anymore about the therapy, but I sure have a bad taste in my mouth with the way they do business. Evidently if you have any honest questions they are not prepared to answer them. They are only interested in selling those DVD's to people who have no further questions and are already convinced that they are worth the overblown price. Hey, I tried to give them an opportunity to explain to me why these DVD's were worth so much. I was ready to dish out my credit card info for the info, but first I want my questions answered. I guess they just don't have time for that.

I'll still research this therapy, but in my mind, the Kaufman office guy owes me an apology. We didn't even get to the place where I could ask for an appointment. But then maybe they are making so much on the DVD's that Kaufman doesn't have Chiropractic hours anymore. Still he didn't have to treat me so rudely

If anyone has any first hand experience with PNT or these people, please let me know what that experience has been.
Until next time,
Be healthy,
Health Bug

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Wow! I've really taken a break from posting. But not from learning as well as thinking about things I'd like to post. I start with a new commitment to blog more consistently!

As I have been thinking about how to motivate people to take charge of their own health, I realize that taking responsibility of our health goes hand in hand with motivation.

You've heard the old saying "No decision, is a decision!" Responsibility for our health does fall upon our own shoulders whether we give that power to some health care professional or whether we choose to maintain that power. My own health is still my responsibility. Sure, Mom's are responsible for their children, but in that case a Mom who passes off that responsibility to someone else for themselves will pass off their responsibility for their own children to someone else.

The truth is, we and we alone hold the key to being the healthiest we can be. Gosh, I think I may have touched on this before. Well anyway, it is so important for us to realize just how much we can do for ourselves to get healthy and stay healthy. Once a person gets a clear picture of the powerful influence they have on their own health (and that of their immediate family), they can and will begin to see where they can make a huge difference in their health.

My question to myself is, can and will people be motivated to do what they can to get and stay healthy by knowing that they have that responsibility whether they acknowledge/use that power or not?
I hope so, but don't know. I believe knowledge is power and the reason more people don't take charge of their own health is because they don't realize what power they have in making a difference in their own health!

Maybe you disagree? Let me know some of your thoughts. I love to learn and finding out where people come from is very rewarding.
Till next time,
your friendly
Health Bug