Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Time keeps flying by and I keep loosing track of this blog. Each and every day I study, research, experience new ways of healing and yet I forget to post. I forget that I have made a commitment to this blog. Not so much for others, but for myself. In getting to where I want to go, I have to go through what I need to go through. Sounds trite, I know, but the living of this is not trite.

I use to try to go around painful areas of my life that I did not want to deal with. I somehow thought that if I did not confront my feelings, thoughts, doubts, fears, and perceived short comings, they would magically not be there. I mistakenly thought that bringing up hard issues, emotions, unpleasant thoughts would somehow make things worse. I have long since learned a better way. It is about time I used it to get busy and attend to this blog as I really want to. I know that the only way to get to where I want to go is to go through those things I need to go through. By saying that I mean acknowledge the disappointment, fear, self sabotage, and bad habits that have kept me from being diligent with this blog as I want to be. If I don't give myself permission to have a new start, yes, yet again, than who will.

The only place I know to start is where I am in the moment. This moment I have begun reading a book by Louise DeSalvo entitled "Writing as a way of Healing, How telling our stories transforms our Lives"! I have only begun to read this book and it has taken me back to my roots. Back to my love of writing and my hope of "being a writer". This is a very profound book. One that I can see has already changed my life.

In a brief nutshell, by writing about our emotions and the traumas we have experienced,we can not only heal our minds and psychi but also heal our bodies. The two must be connected. It appears that connecting the trauma with our feelings, both then and now, have a healing effect beyond what researchers expected! Wow, that is powerful!

This means that if I allow myself to write about and express the pain, dis-empowerment and self disappointment of failure to my own self imposed commitment, I can strengthen myself? I am game for this.

My passion is empowering myself and others to do all that we can do to be as healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually as possible. Connected to this passion is finding ways that anyone and everyone can afford if they wish. Writing fits this bill. Got pen, got paper and you can write. The brain supplies the rest! The adventure begins with you first words. Anything and everything is open to discuss. No one ever needs to read what you write and you never need to read what you have written. It appears that the effort to be organized, specific, and connected to your traumas and the feelings that are attached to them and writing all this down, is the catalyst for healing.

I make no attempt here to a complete review of this book. If this mode of healing attracts you, you can go to the library and check it out. If they don't have it, chances are they can order it. Or if you are like me want to own an inspiring book you can most likely find it cheaply on the internet. I love for used books. I am a book hound! I love to read and learn. It is about time I start healing deeper wounds with my writing.

A while back I promised some information on water. I WILL get to that. We are 75% water. So how important do you think it could be? LOL.

Till next time and hopefully I will be more regular at posting. No, not hopefully, I will be!
Happy Thanksgiving to all,


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