One of my pet peeves is the idea that health insurance for everyone will lower/control the cost of healthcare! Let's take a look at what health insurance is. It is a pay system for healthcare. Opps, I am sorry, really it is a pay system for disease care. Think about it! Even if everyone could get free care at your Doctor/hospital/ER, would that help people be healthier? Whether it is healthcare or disease care, what we are talking about is paying for someone else to take care of you AFTER you get sick! How can that possibly lower the cost of providing that care?
I had a nurse make the following statement to me one day. "I don't know why I am still sick, I go to the Dr. all the time." This statement indicates that this person thinks the Dr is the one that makes her well. Yes, the medical professionals help foster that line of thinking. "Don't take x without consulting your Dr first! Don't do X without consulting your Dr first"
What about paying attention to yourself, your body and how you respond to food, exercise, vitamins, medication. If you have just starting taking or doing X and you start having adverse symptoms then maybe you need to stop taking/doing whatever it is. Pay attention! Know yourself.Of course some things take much more thought and figuring out than "I do this and that happens" Sometimes food you eat doesn't affect you until 24-36 hours later. This really complicates the issue,however, you are still more apt to figure it out if you apply yourself than someone else. Again, know yourself.
I've been tending a lot of garden plants lately. This has always been a tedious but very rewarding activity for me. The mundane activity seems to always lend itself to thinking on a deeper level. Yesterday I noticed a sunflower plant that had been half mowed over by the neighbor, the plant was still green and determined to live, even though it was bent over at the ground level and it's stem was lying parallel to the ground. It struck me how determined plants are to survive. Weeds are sprayed with chemicals, hacked on, pulled out yet they will struggle to survive irregardless of the onslaught.
We are the same. Stress, bad food, poisons, radiation all are negative influences on our health and well being. You get a cut, it is almost impossible to stop it from healing, stitches or not. I know there are times for the ER but expecting a Dr to heal you is asking for the impossible. They may facilitate, but they can not heal you,even in the ER. Your body is the healer! Thus, it is you who can make the biggest impact on your health with your lifestyle and food choices and knowing that you hold the keys to your health!
So wrapping this up, my healthcare is my responsibility. I choose who I go to for advice about my health and I choose what to do with that advice. In my opinion, Health Insurance will simply make Insurance Companies wealthier. Another, "think about it", if our present system of "healthcare" was working, we would not have the increase in every major chronic disease out there like we do. If what we have was working, we would be getting healthier as a nation. We are not. I believe the answer lies in helping people be informed, take responsibility for themselves, know themselves as only they can and trust their body and themselves to be in charge of that health and healing.
Until next time, Be healthy!
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