Just wanted to make a post that deals with the need for serious determination when dealing with chronic pain. A lot of people with chronic pain look only for effective pain relief, and that is OK as far as it goes. Isn't that really the goal, somehow, some way, getting pain relief?
Yes and no, the yes, I want pain relief, but not entirely the only result I want. I want healing also. So I continue to try anything and everything that seems to promise help. Diet adjustments to eliminate inflammation, nutrients to help my body heal, physical therapy to strengthen my bones and muscles.
It takes a lot of determination to keep researching and trying new things. Persistence is the name of the game. Going sugar free had been the best thing so far, that I have done. Not easy but definitely worth it. Of course I have to keep reminding myself of the pain the sugar causes. I've also found that once I was off of sugar for 1 week, I could tell if anything else was causing me inflammation and thus more pain. Corn, was one of those that popped up.
I have supplemented with D3 20,000IU for the last two weeks and that has helped with pain reduction and feeling less stiff. Today I reduced that amount to 10,000IU and will take this amount for 10 weeks then take 5,000 IU for the rest of the year. This is a protocol I came up with form my research. You will need to do your own research to determine home much or even if you would like to try this.
I also have supplemented with NAC (n acetyl-cysteine) methy B-12 and methylated Folate for about 3 months now and have not really found any pain relief from that protocol. So I will probably stop these supplements and see what happens. Sometimes it is when you stop a supplement that you find out it really was helping just in such a suttle way that you don't notice until you stop and the benefits go away.
I am also using some magnetic insoles I picked up for cheap at Natural Grocers. I wear them in my work shoes and I do see some pain relief also with them.
My physical therapy seems to be helping some with my muscle strengthening but not as much as I would like. Perhaps I need to just walk more. And this I will do as the pain allows.
As I said, determination and persistence is the name of the game when trying to get to the bottom of chronic pain. My next addition will be hyaluronic acid that I plan to add as soon as I get enough to start taking 3 doses a day for at least a week. It is expensive so I am ordering it online to get enough to give it a good try. My research indicates that it may help with bone and ligament repair. I good to try any supplement that appears like it will do no harm.
Does it get expensive? Truthfully, yes. However, I view it as less expensive than surgery and with just as much a chance of helping me with the help being much more holistic and beneficial in the long run. I am all in for the long run and not just the temporary relief. Research, research, research! Try, observe results, try again.
I know that now that I am off of sugar, I have gone back to some of the things I have tried previously to see if maybe the benefits of those earlier tries were overshadowed by the sugar inflammation pain.
It never hurts to renew and refresh your mind as to what kind of helped in the past too as those things may be more helpful now with the new regimen you are on. My opinion only.
Yes I am stubborn and will keep working at addressing my pain in as healthy way as I can. Yes and most likely unconventional way. So be it.
Each to their own journey. I am just sharing my journey with the hope there might be some little something there that might help other people with chronic pain out even if it is just a little bit.
At present I am watching the iThrive docu-series that documents Jon McMahon's journey of weight loss. While I disagree with much of their "expert's" opinions, I do very much agree with one of their main points which is that we have control of what we eat and what we eat does hugely affect our
health! It is very encouraging to make the dietary changes you need to make to get and stay healthy. What that dies might consist of, once again, in my opinion is no flour, sugar or anything processed. Organic as much as possible. The rest is up for debate and debate the experts do.
Well till next time. Strive to be happy, healthy and wise. Take charge of your own health as much as possible and have a happy Thanksgiving!
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