Friday, April 1, 2022

Relavant to today's craziness!

 What is relevant in a world gone crazy? Do I address the clot shot? VAERS? with Del Bigtree? Jessica Rose and her statistics at Jessicasuniverse? Dr Ardis and his Dr Mcculough? DD Kory? The American Frontline doctors? The American Frontline Nurses? The coming of Gold Care? a new system of health care? You and me both wondering just what that will be all about! True healthcare or just another version of the same old stinking thinking disease care system?

I did sign up to be notified of this Gold Care and the progress of these new Clinics. Having just signed up, I know nothing yet. Some are calling it a parallel system of care. Really? We already have that in and with our alternative care practitioners. 

Get a coach, get an advocate. Learn to be open minded but critical of everything you read about health. Watch for pure junk science statements like "we all know this or that", or "it's obvious.......".

Be open to criticizing everything you hear and read and take nothing from main stream media (or anywhere for that matter) as a truth without deeply researching their statements. In my opinion, they (meaning main stream media) have run completely off the rails of good, honest journalism. I believe nothing they say. After all, have you noticed that they are all saying the same thing. You can not get anyone to deviate from the party line. 

Not good! Information is being censured. Not good for a supposed free country. Sounds more communistic to me. OK, OK my opinion only. But when "they" try to discredit everyone that disagrees openly with them and attempt to ruin careers of many good honest providers of care, there has to be a skunk in the wood pile somewhere! Just saying!

I have to say, I am very confused by a group of the main stream media, Doctors and nurses who don't even listen to what is being said by the Powers That Be! Yeah, even they are saying, the "vaccines" do not keep you  from getting Covid and don't keep you from spreading it! Main stream media does continue to state that with the "vaccine" you don't get as sick as you would without it, but in reality, they have no real proof of that and I myself have actually seen plenty post vaccine people get plenty sick with Covid and even die. Say what? 

It is almost unbelievable that information is being censored like it is. No proof on the main stream media's side. I just read an article by the "intercept" which condemns the Frontline Doctors for spreading dis information. I'd like to scream at them. What this group of brave doctors are doing is trying to spread good common sense and viable treatments for Covid. What is wrong with that? Oh, I know, We don't want any affordable treatments for Covid because then we could not demand that people get this experimental jab. This jab that has led to thousands of deaths and debillitation. So much so that the folks in charge can not deny that they exist. Well actually they do deny it while at the same time say well but really those facts don't mean anything because the truth is too revealing. OMG! Can we say dystopian world?

I know this sounds like a rant, and it is. I make no apologies. We all need to wake up and start thinking for ourselves. Yes, dear reader, I am entitled to my opinion!

Homework for next time, research Boron as related to arthritis. Very interesting information!

Until then, be safe, healthy, and happy,


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