Friday, June 24, 2011

Baby steps

One of my favorite sayings is small changes = BIG results. One of the first and easiest things a person can do is talk kindly to ourselves. "What!" you say, "That's not healthcare, that's self-esteam issues." Bear with me for a moment.
Health is our well-being, that means every aspect of us, physical, spiritual, and yes mental. In fact, it is a well know fact that there is a mental component to 75 to 85% of every illness! Does that mean that your mind makes you sick? Maybe! The important thing is that we know it is a component, a very integral part of our health. If we do not address how we think and most especially our attitudes, we are missing a very important component that we can have some control over.

Thinking positive and having an attitude of gratitude can improve ones outlook on life. Happy people live longer and enjoy life more. It can be an easy first baby step to taking responsibility for those things that you can take charge of.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a very helpful tool to use to get over some of our more deeply intrenched negative thinking habits. Check out this website. There is lots of free information there to ponder.

Until Later,

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